New Block Style Examples
Our designers have been working hard to deliver more pizzazz in the WFU WordPress theme. Here is an overview of our newest block styles!
Check out our new “Introduction Paragraph” style. Begin articles or heavy-worded pages with larger intro text. This new paragraph style allows readers to digest important information before diving into the nitty gritty.
Then just nomal paragraph text to compare. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dictum, leo accumsan bibendum aliquet, dui turpis tempus mauris, eu aliquet lacus urna sed libero. Praesent ut ipsum sollicitudin, congue eros eget, rhoncus mi. Nam congue facilisis tortor quis consectetur. Nullam nec dictum orci. Duis vel tincidunt nunc.
Surprise! I’m a note box!
My name is “Top Gold Line” and you can find me under the style tab for column, group, or media + text blocks.
Headings Get Extra
Heading 2
This row is just a group with a new Pale Gold background set to full width, then columns inside the group at wide width, with each column set with a Shadow style.
Heading 2
The Heading 2 above uses the new Heavy Gold Underline style. Block styles can be found in the right sidebar of your page under the half-moon icon tab.
Heading 2
I’ve also added a Spacer block above and below these columns to give the design more breathing room. It helps the design seem less cluttered.

Media & Text Block
The Media & Text block is a very flexible content type and now offers all the same new background styles as the group and columns. You can set the Typography style to “normal” to create regular text blocks inside, adjust the padding and change the width of the image.
Background Styles
Gray w/ Pattern
Pale Gold
Top Gold Line
A heading about what’s going on
Some text to introduce the information below. Nam malesuada nulla at posuere molestie. Fusce ut mi libero. Suspendisse lectus ligula, vestibulum

Heading for this block
The text above is also inside the gray group and centered. “Section Heading” is an H2 for accessiblity but typed in all caps then styled “Tiny”. The new Heading is an H3 styled one size larger then spacers added all around.
Cover Background
You can add a cover block at full width with the Typography style set to “normal”, then inside add wide width columns or any other blocks that you’d like. Just be sure to make sure there’s enough color contrast with your image to make any text legible. Changing the opacity of the cover block’s overlay can help with this.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dictum, leo accumsan bibendum aliquet, dui turpis tempus mauris, eu aliquet lacus urna sed libero.
Image Tips
- Homepage too text-heavy or unexciting? Add beautiful campus images to maintain brand consistency and help set the tone.
- Adding a photo of laughing students will help your program seem more fun and enticing, or a photo of the University’s seal can make it feel more formal or official.